Thursday, 17 January 2013

Too much stuff..

Before Christmas I tried to manage the chaos by making more room to children's room for the new stuff that the Santa was going to bring ( I think I have a complex relationship with the Santa, next year I'll ask if he can bring more "experience stuff"). The idea was to get rid of as many things as possible, so that there would be room ready for the new stuff. But it didn't quite go that way. I don't know if the kids behaved so well or what was wrong with the Santa, but now we have more stuff than before. During the Christmas I didn't eat too much, but I got stuffed with stuff. Now since it's a new year I want to get this thing under control and get rid of the extra package. With the stuff I have really mixed feelings. Sometimes I'm super excited about the stuff, and I think it's quite ok. But then there is the other side, when all the stuff just depresses you down. There is just too much stuff and it stops you to live a normal life.

I want to get the stuff chaos in a control
Now that I'm back to work, and kids are in the kindergarden the positive side is that we have "other life" as well, and we don't have the time to make a mess at home. Now I realize why there is a saying in Finnish "ruuhkavuodet", direct translation goes as trafficyears. It was sort of a slap in the face, that you have so limited time. Luckly we have two people who will take them to kindergarden and back.  I don't understand how people who are alone can work full time if the working place and kindergarden are an hour away from each other, not to mention the rush hours. Well maybe this is just the beginners shock. And when we get used to with the normal routine, things will solve on their own.

Maybe I'm just a little bit of frustrated to myself, because my super organizing project was in my mind ready, when I'll go back to work. Home was supposed to be in tip-top shape, less stuff, and the little free time that I'd had was supposed to spend with family and friends, not organizing the stuff. I guess I just have to admit, that my problem isn't organizing, I'm very good at it, but to maintain the order.. that is just super hard for me. I should also understand that organizing isn't a project, it's a continuing process..

So I have very mixed feelings. Sometimes it helps to put things into more bigger proportion. Who the f*** cares even if your home is messy and you have too much stuff as long as we are all healthy and so on. On the other hand, I don't want life to be survival, I want also to enjoy life. I think I will come to the same conclusion as always golden mean is the best.