Lately I have understood how important is the communication between people. How much there can be misunderstandings if people don't communicate enough. Usually I'e been always the kind of person who speaks up if there is something on my mind, but lately I have noticed a little martyre in me. It's really dangerous - "Yeah I can do it", even though inside me there is a little voice going GRR - I just ignore it. You just have to have the courage to say what you feel and think, even though it's the scariest thing you can think of. Even though it's such a cliché but if you keep things inside you, it will rotten you from inside. Then we turn into grumpy old men. Of course it's another subject how to say your opinion smartly, so that the other person won't be too annoyed, and that the right message would go through.
Stickers on the wall |
At home our usual disagreements got 70% less by having a big calendar on the wall, where you can see all the appointments etc. Sami, who normally hates calendars, now knows what's going on, because he can see all the arranged things with one glance on the wall. It doesn't feel like a traditional calendar or mobile calendar. When one day is over, I wipe it off and put in the new information for the next week.
Calendar is low enough for children to write, so that once they learn how to write they can put there their schedules. I bought stickers to the wall and a special pen witch text you can just wipe off with a wet cloth.
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