We have a super tiny hallway where I have been able to put lots of stuff. I'm really excited about it. On the other side we have a wardrobe, which I have to re-organize. One shelf I have already organized and I love the outcome. The only problem is that I always keep putting stuff on front of the closet, so I can't get open the doors. So I don't use it that much, which is ridiculous. Why buy a closet, that you can't use, because you put so much stuff on front of it, not inside..
The tags I attached with a sticky tape |
On the other side I have made a recycling point. There we have a place for things to burn, bottles to be returned, papers, cardboard and glass. The texts I just printed out with our home printer. The order of the boxes I chose with the balance of what we recycle most frequently and what are the heaviest. So glass is on the bottom, because we don't throw away glass every day. Next we have papers, that we have a lot, but since papers are quite heavy I don't want to put them on top. On the higher box we have stuff to burn, so they will go to the sauna or fireplace. There we have card boards, visa bills, etc. what you don't want to through away necessarily to public bin and we don't own a shredder. On the second box we have return bottles and cans. Idea is that all the recycle stuff is close to our front door, so you can take them out as you go. So that they won't pile up.
On top of that we have a little key holder on the wall. I should make little notes, which key is which, but I haven't got the excuses why I haven't bothered to do that. On top of the recycle boxes I have a tiny basket with the bird's food, and old batteries recycle box.
So I have to admit I'm pretty proud of myself, that I was able to put so many activities in a such a tiny space. Now I should still come up with the place where to put stuff that goes to sauna or the basement. Because now they are on front of the closet and also blocking the way on the front door. Some basket thing would be nice but I have to think a proper place for that.
Stuff that goes to sauna and basement are blocking the way |
One shelf is organized, now taking the gloves feels like shopping |
Now I started thinking that if I had more room, I would put the recycle boxes under some table, so that then I could easily take the whole box with me and put it behind the trunk and empty it on the real recycling point. Now it's a bit annoying when first I have to transfer the stuff into bags if I want to take them away.
Just naurettiin Tanun kanssa, että mä tykkäisin olla sisustaja, mutta kun en tykkää mittaamisesta, niin se ei oikein onnistu.. Juu, kyllä "lähikaupasta" ovat ostettu. En millään jaksa mitata, mutta "lähikaupan" sivuilta löytyy varmasti kaikki tarvittavat mitat. On ne yllättävän syvät.