Monday, 16 July 2012

Food and philosophy

Close to oven, pots and pans it's good to have food stuff. We have one drawer for tomato sauces, other sauces, baby food, napkins, frozen bags and parchment papers etc. It might sound weird why all these items are together but for us it seems to work.. or maybe not..

Now that I organized the drawer I found an old tomato sauce and chips from year 2011. So my system, where I try to put new stuff in the back and old stuff in the front doesn't seem to work. When I'm in a hurry I just put the stuff in the drawer and not thinking too much of what I'm doing. I have started to notice that I follow a certain pattern:
  1. I decide to do things according to my system
  2. When I'm in a hurry I forget or just don't care to follow the system
  3. I can't find my stuff
  4. I buy the exact stuff at the store
  5. I have to get rid of the old stuff
  6. I spend money
  7. I make money to buy new things, that I don't need
  8. and the whole thing starts from the beginning
Although I recognise this pattern, I still haven't managed to break it. Luckily I have this "organize-my-whole-house-project" going on, so maybe there is still hope. Maybe it's just a fact that when you have so much stuff you just can't remember what you already own. But I would like to remember what I own, and use the stuff that I own instead of buying more all the time...

By the way we went to the library today, and it felt wonderful to loan all the books, because I knew I have to return them. So no clutter, that I don't need, and I don't have to find a proper place for it. I can satisfy my urge for shopping by loaning beautiful interior design books and magazines, and I don't have to pay a dime, unless I forget to return them or they will get lost in the clutter...

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