We used to have gloves, caps, scarfs in the sleeves of the jackets and mostly on the floor. Then I had an idea, that I'll put a box for each member of the family where everyone can put their own stuff. I also put sunglasses etc. to my box.
Everyone has their own box for their stuff |
It took a while before everyone got used to use their boxes. But now since their used them about a half of year or so, it's starting to work. I have a vision that our hallway/veranda would have a sofa, coffee-table and couple of chairs. The idea is, that when you come home, you would have this peaceful place to come to.
Sofa is already bought, but waits to come home from mother-an-law's place. Sofa is not particularly my favorite colour but I thought I will put a new cover on top of it, once the kids are bigger and I have a thicker wallet.
We've had basic chaos in our hallway with the clothes and shoes
lying everywhere. On top of that we have an air-source heat pump in the
hallway so it's very convenient to dry our washed clothes there as well.
You can only imagine the hassle, with all these multifunctions going on
in one space.
The clothes drying thing will have a solution, because we will buy a dryer. We were a bit silly when we bought our washing machine, it has a control panel that is in diagonal, so you can't put on top of it a normal dryer. So there are only specific models that go on top of the washing machine. The model that we want, won't be in the stores until February.. we'll it's soon enough..
Tämä on tosi hyvä ratkaisu, minunkin täytyy miettiä,miten omalle eteiselle tekisin...
ReplyDeleteOlen suunnitelellut meille tuollaisen hyllyn ostamista, niin lelut sais joskus pois silmistä
ReplyDeleteSitten, kun saan sen sohvan, niin mun pitäisi päästä eroon toisesta hyllystä. En ole vielä varma laittaisinko sen kellariin, vai antaisinko pois..eli kysy sitten, kun sulla on hankinta ajankohtainen, ehkä meiltä irtoaa yksi hylly..
DeleteWe used to have gloves, caps, scarfs in the sleeves of the jackets and mostly on the floor.