Now that I organized the drawer I found an old tomato sauce and chips from year 2011. So my system, where I try to put new stuff in the back and old stuff in the front doesn't seem to work. When I'm in a hurry I just put the stuff in the drawer and not thinking too much of what I'm doing. I have started to notice that I follow a certain pattern:
- I decide to do things according to my system
- When I'm in a hurry I forget or just don't care to follow the system
- I can't find my stuff
- I buy the exact stuff at the store
- I have to get rid of the old stuff
- I spend money
- I make money to buy new things, that I don't need
- and the whole thing starts from the beginning
By the way we went to the library today, and it felt wonderful to loan all the books, because I knew I have to return them. So no clutter, that I don't need, and I don't have to find a proper place for it. I can satisfy my urge for shopping by loaning beautiful interior design books and magazines, and I don't have to pay a dime, unless I forget to return them or they will get lost in the clutter...