Some things you just can't fit in the picture. Cherry tree blossoms so beautifully that I just don't have words for it. Sort of have this japanese feeling. Although I don't understand anything about gardening, sometimes I get excited and do something in the garden, because the weather has been absolutely beautiful.
Cherry trees blossom |
My potting sowing is going so-and-so. Some of them I already put in our garden. I don't like doing gardening in the ground, so we lifted up the growing place.
The white thing on top of it should protect from too much sun etc. |
We have an old pot. Last year we had there only weeds. But now I put there some violets. I waited a bit too long before I put them in the pot. And I forgot to give them water, so they are a little tired already. They said it will rain tonight, so I didn't give them water now either. No wonder 90% of my plants will die..
Witch pot |
I love tulips because they come year after year, and you don't have to worry about them. Or maybe you should, but we have tulips and weed growing in nice harmony.
Like a candy |
I think taking care of your garden should be easy. I love watching at the beautiful garden, but I wouldn't like to work for it many hours a day. Maybe when I get older I'll change, but for now I'll do garden stuff for five minutes, and that's fine for me..
Beautiful colour combination |
Wooden shed for the fireplace wood |