There is so much stuff everywhere. Specially little kids clothes seems to acquire our home. The clothes are just so cute and good knows what other good excuses I have for them. Usually the most common excuse is that because it's such a bargain, I just have to get it. Luckily most of their stuff I buy at the kids clothes flea market that is close to us. It's actually a really nice flea market with kids stuff only. If I would buy all the clothes directly from the shops, I think I would have been already broke.
Anyways now is the time to get rid of some clothes that are either too small or just the ones that they don't wear. Our older lady (soon turns to three) is very precise with her clothes. Everything has to be exactly the right colour and style, which is super kitch and pink. Our little boy doesn't care what he wears, so I'm happy that at least I can dress him up the way I want, and enjoy it.
Check -It says in Finnish: Stuff to the flea market and stuff to recycling centre |
I've already collected the stuff ready in bags. The problem has been that I haven't been able (read: not bothered) to take them anywhere so the bags have been in the attic for the last six months. Couple of years ago I sold some stuff at the flea market, where you sell your stuff by yourself and it was quite fun. We did it together with my friend and surprisingly we got pretty much money as well. But still I'm not into that at the moment.
About a year ago I took the stuff to the flea market, where you price your stuff, and then you just leave it there. But at the end it was quite a lot of work, thinking of the prices, putting on the price tags, cleaning the table (it got really messy after people digg into it). Still I had to go to the flea market every day to check that the price tags were still there and organize the table. Too much hassle compared to the benefits.
So now I'm taking the stuff to the flea market where they will take care of the pricing etc. and they will get 50% of everything that is sold. The stuff that they won't sell, you can get back or leave it to them, and they will give it to children foster homes etc. So that is a perfect solution for me. What more do you want. I can get rid of the extra stuff and even got some money out of it, and on top of that I have a good feeling that I can also make a donation to the charity I choose.
Some of the stuff I took directly to the recycling centre, so now I've done my good did of the day. Then I have one big bag full of children's clothes to my friend who is going to have a baby in the fall.
It's funny how easy it is to gather all the stuff, but to take them away seems so much harder. According to the organizing gurus you should always get rid of one item if one item comes in. But even now, when I took the stuff to the flea market I bought some cool stuff for the kids.. It's always when you think you won't buy anything, you will find something really nice that you just have to have, even though deep inside you know that you don't need it at all.